
IDEAS is (Internet based Demat Account Statement) IDeAS is a facility available on the SPEED-e website of NSDL for viewing balances and transactions in demat accounts. By subscribing to IdeAS the clients can view their latest balances and transactions that have taken place in the last five days in their demat accounts.

This facility is available to all the Saraswat Bank Demat clients Free Of Cost. However, before you can access your demat accounts on line, the clients are required to register for Ideas on the net. The following procedure would help you to register for IDEAS.

Registration for IDEAS

  1. Step 1: Connect to Internet.
  2. Step 2: Login to our site www.saraswatbank.com OR https://eservices.nsdl.com
  3. Step 3: on Saraswat bank's website go on Home Page ----Personal---Demat ---Related links ----NSDL e-services 
  4. Step 4: Client has two options a). Click on Register online for Ideas and enter few details ( DP ID, Client ID- Demat account number, Registered mobile number in Demat Account) OR b). Under 'New user registration' select Ideas
  5. Step 5: Under Ideas ---- Select PASSWORD USER.
  6. Step 6: Click on 'REGISTER'. Choose your own 'User Id' (between 3 and 8 characters) and 'Password'. (between 8 and 16 characters), both alphanumeric . Please take care to remember your password. Please note the User-Id and registration number at the time of registration. Please remember that the registration number is very important for registration.
  7. Step 7: You can fill up the Client Registration form attached with this document. Please fill in the registration number, as it is essential for Authorization. You are then requested to submit in person the duly filled-in registration form to your nearest branch of Saraswat Bank.
  8. Step 8: When the User ID of the customer is duly authorized by our Demat Dept, it becomes functional. The client can use this UserID to login to Ideas over Internet.

This completes the Registration process for IDEAs.

The customer can login to www.saraswatbank.com to see his transaction statements online. You will receive email after the Authorization is done from our Head office. Once the mail is received, the client can start using IdeAS.

Using IDEAS – to access Online Demat statements.

  1. For accessing Ideas login to www.saraswatbank.com
  2. Click on View your Demat status Online.
  3. You will see a heading - Existing users, under this heading click on "Speed and Ideas Subscribers"
  4. It will ask the customer to enter his User ID and password
  5. The next screen will show the List of transactions for the last five days. The customer can even download Last month's
  6. statement if required. This download is available one month after the user ID becomes functional.
  7. The statement is ONLINE so any change in your statement is obtained
  8. If any problem occurs with the password, you can submit a password-reset request.
  9. The password-reset number has to be noted. Please submit the request along with this reset number to our nearest branch.

For any queries please contact at: user.demat@saraswatbank.com

Easi : Electronic Access To Securities Information – For CDSL clients


The first requirement is that client should mention his correct email id at the time of account opening.

  1. When a new account [BOID] is activated in the CDSL system, simultaneously a log-in for "easi" will be created for the BOID. The 16-digit BOID would be the initial "log-in ID".
  2. The BO (Beneficial Owner)will receive an email from CDSL (on the email ID entered in the CDSL system), informing him of the "password" for the "easi" log-in.
  3. The BO would be required to log on for the "easi" services at CDSL website www.cdslindia.com by entering the 16-digit log-in ID and the given password and relevant demographic details.
  4. The 16-digit log-in ID may be changed to the BO's preference. It should be noted that the BO will be permitted to change the log-in ID only once, at the second screen displayed to the user, when the user logs in for the first time.
  5. On initial log-in, a prompt to change the password will be displayed and the BO would then be required to change the existing password given in the email sent by CDSL.
  6. If the BO does not log in within a period of 90 days of receiving the email from CDSL, the log-in will be automatically deleted by the system.


  1. Login to www.cdslindia.com
  2. Select My Easi
  3. In Register Here select Individual
  4. Select Easi in choose your preferred service at bottom of the page and SUBMIT
  5. Enter your DP Id as 13058500 and Client Id as 0000xxxx (your id) and Enter the Password as mentioned on the screen and press Submit key.
  6. In next screen do I agree Fill the details required and do Submit.
  7. After Registration is over, the system will request you to change your password.
  8. After change of Password you are registered for easi facility immediately.

Advantages to BOs who register for the "easi" facility :

  1. Viewing of balances of all securities held in the BO account anytime, anywhere [24x7].
  2. Ability to inquire about transactions executed in the past seven days.
  3. Ability to ascertain the valuation of transactions / portfolio based on the previous day's closing price on BSE.
  4. Unique facility of viewing Corporate Announcements of all ISINs (listed on BSE) held in the BO account. The BO also has an option to monitor Corporate Announcements of equity ISINs not held in the account.
  5. The above facilities are provided by Saraswat Bank free of cost.