
For those who ease suffering, save lives and bring new life to the world, Doctor Delite is loan service honoring all doctors. For setting up a clinic, purchasing equipments or for the renovation of the clinic or hospital, this Saraswat Bank offers loan upto Rs. 500 Lakh (Fully constructed property with O.C. and copy of application for permission to run Hospital/Clinic to be obtained within one year failing which penalty @1% will be applicable). 


  1. Any qualified medical practitioner ( (existing / new practitioner)
  • Income of spouse can be considered for eligibility, even if spouse is not doctor. In such cases, the rate of interest of 0.25% higher than the card rate will be charged.

Loan Amount:

  1. Maximum up to Rs. 300 lakh – for a new medical practitioner.
  2. Maximum up to Rs. 500 lakh- for existing practitioner with minimum 3 years of practice.

Basis of Advance: 

1) On the basis of Security

  1. 90% of cost of premises
  2. 80% of cost of equipment
  3. 70% of cost of furniture/cost of renovation
2) On the basis of income

Existing Practitioners:

  1. 6 times of avg 3 years Gross cash accruals or latest audited gross cash accrual with justification.
  2. In case of expansion, 5 times of projected average gross cash accruals.
  3. For the loan applications above Rs. 250 lakhs, assessment to be done on DSCR basis.

New Practitioners :

  1. For premises/ furniture/Cost of renovation - 4 times of avg of 5 years projected Gross cash accruals.
  2. For purchase of equipment - 5 times of avg of 5 years projected Gross cash accruals.
  3. Loans above Rs 100 lakh, assessment to be done based on project feasibility.

(1 or 2 whichever is lower)

Repayment Period (including moratorium period):

  1. For Premises: upto 120 months
  2. For Equipments / Renovation / Furniture upto 84 months.

  1. Premises plus equipment’s/renovation/furniture Loans, repayment can be extended upto 120 months

Rate of Interest: w.e.f - 21.08.2024

Rate of Interest:

Purpose Floating
Land & Building ROI starting from 8.50%* to 10.75% p.a.*

*ROI varies as per CIBIL score
Present PLR @15.90% p.a.

Combo offer:

  1. Pre-sanction Credit Card based on repayment capacity of Borrower subject to max limit of Rs. 5.00 Lacs


  1. Purchase of new premises/ Construction of clinic or hospital on owned plot /Renovation of clinic – Equitable Mortgage of the premises/ clinic respectively.
  2. Purchase of equipment/ furniture: Hypothecation of equipment/ furniture to be purchased & collateral to be taken as stated below:
  3. For Existing doctors: No collateral for loan amount upto Rs.50 lakh
  4. For New Doctor: No collateral for loan amount upto Rs.25 lakh                
  5. For amounts greater than that stipulated above, 25% collateral to be obtained.

Processing Fees:

  1. Upto Rs 100 Lakh - 0.50% of Loan amount maximum Rs 15,000/-
  2. Above Rs 100 lakh - Rs 50,000/-
(No other charges such as CIBIL/ other credit agency, FI & CERSAI.)

Legal Fees:

For loans upto Rs. 1.50 Cr. - At actuals + 10% additional as Banks service charge (applicable only in case where Search and Title report is recommended by our legal department from approved panel advocate)
For loans above Rs. 1.50 Cr., 0.20% of the loan amount or at actuals + (10% additional as Banks service charge) whichever is higher.


  1. Upto 1 Cr - Rs. 1000/-
  2. Above 1 Cr -  Rs.25000/-

Documents Required:

  1. Prescribed loan application form
  2. Latest Photograph, Photo Identity Proof and Residence Proof of the Applicant
  3. ITR for last 3 years (fresh medical practitioner’s IT returns may not be insisted) & Bank statement for last 3 months
  4. Legal documents required for creating mortgage /Quotation of equipment to be purchased/ renovation/ furniture cost.
  5. License to practice and other documents required for mortgage
  6. Copy of application for permission to run Hospital/Clinic

Conditions Apply*