In addition to tax-free deposits in India, enjoy a number of attractive features offered by Saraswat bank for NRI Banking facilities.
As a member of SWIFT Network; Saraswat Bank delivers quick, accurate and absolutely safe fund transfers. A well equipped Treasury Department, we also render Forex services to many other co-operative banks. As part of NRI Banking facilities, customers can avail other products like Housing Loans and Demat accounts. To further boost NRI services and to cater to the growing needs of NRI customers, our bank has established specialized NRI Desks at:

International Banking Division
Kimatrai Building, 1st Floor, 77-79, Maharshi Karve Road, Marine Lines, Mumbai-400 002.
Contact no: +91-22-49205656
Fax no: +91-22-22096019
Email id: ibd@saraswatbank.com

NRI Desk:
Contact no- 91-22-49205602
Fax no: +91-22-22096019
E-mail: nridesk@saraswatbank.com

NRI’s can open the following types of accounts with us.


How to open NRI Account with us.