
(PAN compulsory for all demat accounts)

Dematerialisation / Rematerialisation

Dematerialisation is the process of converting the securities held in physical form (certificates) to an equivalent number in electronic form and crediting the same to the beneficiary account of the client.

Procedure of Dematerialisation:

The client who wishes to get his shares converted from physical to electronic form has to submit duly defaced Share certificate along with the Demat Request Form(DRF) to his/her Depository Participant(DP).

Ensure that the security mentioned on the certificate is eligible for Demat and is listed with NSDL or CDSL .You can check the eligibility at any of our nearest Saraswat Bank branch.

The client should deface the certificates by affixing the stamp of Surrendered for demat on the shares. This stamp is available at any of the Saraswat Bank Branches However it is advisable to deface the certificates only after confirming the eligibility of the shares. The list of shares available for demat is available at any of our branches.

Separate DRFs are to be filled for each company having a unique International Security Identification Number(ISIN). All the holders should sign on the DRF. The client should sign on the DRF exactly in the same manner as the sign registered with the Issuer or Registrar. In case if the signature registered with the DP is different to that registered with the Registrars than, it is advisable that both the signatures be made on the DRF

The shares received by Saraswat Bank are then entered in the system and send to the respective Registrar/company. The normal time the Registrar/ Company confirms / rejects a demat request is within 15 days from the date of receipt of physical shares

To check whether your account has been credited, you can call the demat department on the tel nos. mentioned below or you could log on to IDEAS for viewing your account holding. Alternatively you can also visit any of our branches to view your current balances.

In case your account does not get credited within 30 days of submission of the shares you can either call us on the tel nos. 022-68327310-12 or send us an email on user.demat@saraswatbank.com quoting your client ID, the name of the security and the date of submission at the branch

Rejection of Demat Requests

The Demat request submitted may get rejected for various reasons either at the Demat Head Office or by the Registrar. The shares rejected by the Registrar are dispatched by them to the DP head Office. The rejected shares are then couriered/sent by Speed post by Saraswat Bank directly to the residence of the client for necessary rectification, stating the reason for rejection.

The client may rectify the error and re-submit the shares with a fresh DRF. The same applies to shares which are rejected by the Saraswat bank.


In case of transposition–cum-dematerialisation, the client can get securities dematerialised in the same account if the names appearing on the certificates match with the names, in which the account has been opened, but are in a reverse order. The client can submit the security certificates along with the Transposition Form (Form 31) and DRF.


In case of death of one or more of the joint holders, the surviving joint holder(s) can get the name of the deceased removed from the security certificate(s) and get them dematerialised by submitting the security certificates along with the Transmission Form (Form 32) and the DRF
(See Form 31 and Form 32 in the Forms option)


Rematerialisation is a process by which a beneficiary can convert the electronic balances in his account into physical share certificates.

On Remat the Investor will get new certificates with new folio and certificate number.
This entire Remat procedure normally takes 30 days. No trading is possible on the securities sent for remat.

Facility for holding Mutual fund Units in dematerialised form
The Procedure for conversion of Mutual Fund units into dematerialised form through the Bank DP for NSDL and CDSL are slightly different and are given below.:


The Client desirous of converting mutual fund units represented by Statement of account into dematerialised form shall submit to the DP the Conversion Request Form along with the Statement of account showing the holding of mutual fund units. The specimen of Conversion Request Form is given as Annexure B

Separate Conversion Request Form for each folio number must be submitted by the demat account holder.

Conversion Request Form for lock-in and free units under the same ISIN should also be taken separately from the client.

It should also be ensured that the mutual fund units submitted are admitted for demat. The Conversion Request Form submitted by the client must be completely filled and duly signed. The name in the demat account held should be in the same pattern of holding mentioned on the Statement of Account and Conversion Request Form.

The number of pages of statement of account mentioned on the Conversion Request Form should be verified.

After due verification, the Demat department would send the Electronic Conversion Request  to the AMC/ RTA

The AMC/RTA will after due verification confirm the conversion request sent by the Department, and credit the mutual fund units in the client 's account.


The Client desirous of converting mutual fund units represented by Statement of account into dematerialised form shall submit to the DP the Mutual Fund Destatementization Request Form (MF-DRF) Form along with the Statement of account showing the holding of mutual fund units. The specimen of Mutual Fund Destatementization Request Form (MF-DRF) Form is given as Annexure C

Separate Mutual Fund Destatementization Request Form for each folio number must be submitted by the demat account holder.

Mutual Fund Destatementization Request Form for lock-in and free units under the same ISIN should be also be taken separately from the client.

It must also be ensured that the mutual fund units submitted for conversions are admitted for demat.

The Mutual Fund Destatementization Request Form submitted by the client is completely filled and duly signed. The name in the demat account held should be in the same pattern of holding mentioned on the Statement of Account and Mutual Fund Destatementization Request Form.

The number of pages of statement of account mentioned on the Mutual Fund Destatementization Request Form should be verified.

The AMC/RTA will after due verification confirm the conversion request sent by the Department, and credit the mutual fund units in the client 's account.

Please contact us at user.demat@saraswatbank.com or Tel-  022-68327310-12